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Join the thousands who get paid for giving their opinion.
As a leader in the Market Research Industry, Facts 'n Figures has been asking consumers what they think about the products and services they use every day for over 50 years. Join the thousands of people who give their opinions each year and make a difference in the products and services that companies offer. It’s fun and easy. And, get paid for giving companies your opinion about their products.
See What the OPINIONATION is Saying

"The surveys there are fun and the company is very efficient"

-Eric G.


"They are nice and courteous"



"They're courteous and pay on time with a check exactly as promised"

-Adel Y.


How to Participate


Fill out the initial registration form and complete your profile. The more complete your profile is, the more studies you could potentially qualify for. 

  1. When you receive a text or email link to a screening survey (usually Survey Monkey), complete the screening surveys as soon as possible. 

  2. If you qualify, we will reach and schedule you for the study.


There is no need to call to see if there are any projects available. By keeping your profile up date, we will send you screening surveys for projects that you may be perfect for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have Questions? We got the Answers. To find answers to frequently asked questions Click here

What to expect during a study

Whether you're new to market research studies, or just need to brush up on what to expect, here is a a brief overview. Click here

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